Strengthen Your House

Get Prepared. Worry Less.

Earthquakes in California are inevitable, but the damage they cause is preventable. While older houses in California are charming, many are also vulnerable to shake damage. Find your house type or hazard below and learn about its vulnerabilities, and what you can do to strengthen your property against earthquake damage. While seismic retrofitting a house does not guarantee against damage, it can help to improve its performance in an earthquake by making it stronger and more resilient. This can help make your house safer for you and your family.

Next Steps to Strengthen Your House

Take the Path to Home Resilience

Once you’ve identified your house type and its vulnerabilities, you may need help making a plan or finding a contractor. Let us help you with information on the retrofit process and funding opportunities.

Next Steps

Other Financial Assistance Options

Other Financial Assistance Options

There are other resources for funding your earthquake retrofit, outside of CRMP grants.

See Alternative Funding Sources
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