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EBB Supplemental Grant for Income-Eligible Homeowners

Earthquake Brace + Bolt (EBB) is now offering additional funding above the $3,000 EBB grant to help income-eligible homeowners complete a brace + bolt retrofit. In order to qualify for this Supplemental Grant:

  • Homeowners must meet the EBB qualification requirements and be accepted into the Program, and
  • Verify that their household annual income is $87,360* or less.

Supplemental grants will be awarded to eligible applicants, until grant funds run out. EBB offers Supplemental Grants in addition to its reimbursement program for code-compliant seismic retrofits, and grant recipients may need to pay income tax on the money they are granted.

*The annual household income amount is updated annually by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. EBB Grants awarded in previous years are subject to the annual household income eligibility amount for that fiscal year.

Grant Amounts

Combined with the $3,000 EBB grant, the Supplemental Grant will provide most eligible homeowners grants that may cover up to 100% of their retrofit costs. The amount of the grant you receive, if you qualify, will be based on whether your home needs a bolt-only retrofit or a brace and bolt retrofit, and where you live. The grant amount will be higher or lower depending on the average cost of a completed retrofit in your area.

Some home’s foundations may require more extensive work that can increase the cost of an earthquake retrofit.

The maximum amounts of the Supplemental Grants (after the $3,000 EBB grant) are:

  • Northern California Bolt Only — $2,800*
  • Northern California Brace + Bolt — $7,000*
  • Southern California Bolt Only — $1,125
  • Southern California Brace + Bolt — $2,650*

*If a homeowner qualifies for both the main EBB Grant and the Supplemental Grant, and the total amount of the grants (EBB + SG) is $5,000 or more, AND the house is in a Special Flood Hazard Area, homeowner must:

  • submit a signed, notarized, and recorded Acknowledgement of Conditions for Mitigation of Property in a Special Flood Hazard Area with FEMA Grant Funds form attesting that they will adhere to the FEMA requirements before any EBB or SG incentive payment will be paid. This form can be found here, and
  • provide a copy of their flood insurance policy to CRMP.

How to Apply for the Income-Eligible Supplemental Grant

If you believe your annual household income is $87,360* or less:

  • When registering for the EBB program, answer yes, that you believe your household income meets the income eligibility requirement.
  • Wait for notification that you have been accepted into the EBB Program.
    • Please note: to remain eligible for an EBB grant, you must not begin construction work or obtain a permit before you are accepted into the EBB program.

If you answered "yes" to the income eligibility question, after being accepted into the EBB program we will advise you either:

  • that space is available for the Supplemental Grant and will advise you to fill out the income verification form (4506-C) for your household (see “Fill out 4506-C Form below). OR,
  • that space is not available in the Supplemental Grant, and you will be offered the option to remain on the SG Waitlist to wait for a SG spot to open, or you may choose to forego the Supplemental Grant and proceed with the EBB program only.

Fill out Income Verification Form (4506-C) for every member of the household that is an income earner. It includes basic questions such as your name, spouse’s name (if applicable), single or joint tax filer, address and social security number or tax identification number. The 4506-C Form will be on your EBB Homeowner Dashboard. Then,

  • Submit the 4506-C Form within 30 days of acceptance into the EBB Program.
  • EBB will review the IRS transcript and determine if your household is eligible for the Supplemental Grant.
  • If EBB notifies you that you are eligible to receive a Supplemental Grant, you may begin the pre-retrofit process as described in Section 1.8.1 of the EBB Program Rules.

*The annual household income amount is updated annually by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. EBB Grants awarded in previous years are subject to the annual household income amount for that fiscal year.

**The Income Verification Form (4506-C) will be sent to a consulting firm with experience in verifying household income with the Internal Revenue Service. EBB will not be storing your sensitive income information.

How and When You Will Receive the Supplemental Grant

The EBB program is a reimbursement program, meaning the Participating Homeowner gets the EBB grant money after the retrofit has been completed and EBB has approved it. However, to help income-eligible homeowners with paying upfront costs, like getting a bid and a building permit, those who have been approved for a Supplemental Grant can request immediate reimbursement after paying for:

  • Up to $250 for the cost of one contractor’s bid
  • The full cost of the building permit

The dollar amount of the money you are reimbursed for the bid and permit will be subtracted from your overall total grant. You will receive the balance of your Supplemental Grant (and your EBB grant) when your retrofit has been completed, and it has been reviewed and approved by EBB.

Please note: In the event an application is withdrawn from the Supplemental Grant portion of EBB, any incentive payments already paid may be taxable at the federal level.

How the Income Eligibility Limit Was Determined

California Insurance Code 1008.396 defines “income-eligible household” as a household that has an income at, or below, 80 percent of the median household income in California. Eighty percent of California’s median income for 2023 is $87,360*. EBB uses this figure as the basis of determining eligibility for receiving a Supplemental Grant.

*The annual household income amount is updated annually by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. EBB Grants awarded in previous years are subject to the annual household income eligibility amount for that fiscal year.